8 Ways To Write Your First Novel (So You Don’t Quit Halfway Through)
April 4, 2024

Do research.

Some people sit down and write a novel; many never get as far as Chapter two as they die of boredom. The key is to do your research, choose a subject that interests you, and learn everything about it. This makes the whole process fun and interesting for yourself and those who read it. If writing becomes a chore, then you should stop.

Submit your work to critique groups, beta readers, and editors.

It’s good to get other people’s feedback on your novel before it is finished so that they can highlight any problems/mistakes you may have overlooked. This will help the finished result refine and be useful for publishing purposes. Some writers don’t like criticism, but this is something that MUST be embraced if you want to be a better writer. Criticism isn’t always negative, though; most of the time, it is positive feedback that provides solutions or ideas for improvements. It can offer reassurance about your story too!

Finish what you’ve started.

This sounds obvious, but many aspiring authors start writing their book only to give up when they get to chapter three. The key is to write what you know and stop when you don’t know anymore. This helps with the research process because it allows you to check back on your work, which will give you more ideas for other areas that need researching. For example, if you’re writing a science fiction novel set in another galaxy, perhaps reading some astronomy books or watching science shows on TV ca n give you more inspiration about the type of alien lifeforms that could live there.

Set timeframes for yourself.

Setting time limits for yourself will help your motivation levels ! It makes your day seem much shorter if things are to be done within a certain timeframe. If writing is your hobby, it is the perfect way to get into good habits. For example, if you have an hour spare before bedtime, then set a goal that says that you will write at least 500 words in this hour. If you don’t meet the target the first time around, try again until you do. The more effort you put in, the greater your achievements will be in return!

Write every day.

This is one of the most important rules every writer should abide by, especially if they are serious about being published one day. If writing is just a hobby for you, though, then perhaps only writing when inspiration strikes could work better for you? Either way, creativity can be thought of as muscle, so exercising it regularly will ensure it stays fit and healthy.

Write about what you know.

Don’t write a novel set in the future if you don’t like change! If you’re writing about things that are completely unfamiliar to yourself, then it will show through your words and make your work very poor indeed. Do not use reference books or other people’s ideas either (i.e., stealing); only include details written from your imagination or real-life events/experiences because this helps with authenticity. However, this doesn’t mean that every word has to be pure fiction; including some facts can also make your book more interesting because it makes the whole thing far more believable too. Even non-fiction writers need research skills when they put pen to paper.

Use punctuation properly.

It might seem obvious but using the correct punctuation properly is crucial. For example, if you don’t use speech marks, people can’t tell when one person stops talking and another starts – this leads to confusion! A good way to overcome this would be to say the dialogue aloud (in your head), which means that you will know exactly when it sounds right for someone else to speak to. Grammar is also very important; some people think that because they are writing fiction, they can make up their own grammar rules, but unless it’s deliberately stylistic, then the advice of an editor or teacher should be sought before submitting your work for publication purposes.

Get rid of adverbs.

Many authors believe that adverbs are a bad thing, so try to cut them from your daily writing as much as possible. It’s also worth bearing in mind that too many adjectives can have the same effect. This means that whenever you’re describing something, ask yourself whether or not it is necessary. For example, you might describe someone running like this: ‘She ran quickly down the street.’ However, cutting this down would make your prose more succinct by saying: ‘She hurried down the street.’